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Standard EPR and e-Folder

Category: EPR standard proposals
Vendor: EPR forum
Item number: 100

Draft – Function Standard. Electronic processes (EPR) and electronic folders (e-Folders)

Download document: EPR stdr – eng 0.1

The basis for the whole concept of EPR is relationship between these three links:

1. The purpose of EPR is to create values for human, organizations and communities. The values are formulated through 5 areas of result
2. In order to create those results the information and helping tools must be structured in that result oriented and common way. The structure is generic and valid for all application areas .The structure is independent of the technological development
3. To operate the structure the system architecture must be build upon generated object models, use templates and content assembly mechanism together with loosely coupled software components. In the standard the description of the system architecture will be formulated generic and in a functional way – independent of to days technology as far as possible
This relationships – also called chain of values – is valid for
· All kind of processes
· Use of electronic folders
The aim of this standard is to describe how
· Data support to humans in work and cooperation with others can be organized in a unified and standardized matter
· Electronic folders must be build in a unified way. They must be both generic and dynamic. The folders must be adapted to the users needs in the concrete job situation
The standard describes how:
· information is presented to the users
· tools and supporting materials is implemented
· communication with legacy and expert systems will take place
· roles, processes and routines will be organized;
· general functions can be standardized
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