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Norwegian (UK) eGov Initiatives

Category: eGov
Vendor: EPR forum
Item number: 4109

EPR-forum has tried to initiate several Norwegian governmental efforts. Here is some of them:

  1. Letter from Director of Technology Policy UK, John Borras, at Cabinett Office UK to the Norwegian Minister of Labour and Government Administration (AAD), Morten A. Meyer, encouraging collaboration between UK and Norway through EPR-forum. See the letter of 6th Sept 2004.
  2. Initiativ regarding the AAD hearings: " Architecture for e-Interaction in Public sector". See EPR-forum Initiative letter of 7th Sep 2004
  3. A proposal sent through Standard Norway to the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food ( LMD). An eTracing proposal regarding a national infrastructure to achieve more effective electronic tracking and exchange of information in the whole food value chain. See the proposal of 21th Aug 2006
  4. Presentation for the Norwegian Ministry of Innovation (FAD) of needed actions to be able to moderize Public sector by help of a Hybrid ICT solutions with a Super structure to interact and integrate. This to achieve and create diversity and innovation in the ICT sector in general. Partisipants from FAD: Jørund Leknes, Politic advisor FAD (for Minister: Heidi Grande Røys) and Henrik Linnestad, Secretary manager of coordination body in eGov department of IT Policy. See presented slides show of 12th Jan 2007.
  5. DIFII (The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment):
    DIFI aims to strengthen the government’s work in renewing the Norwegian public sector and improve the organisation and efficiency of government administration.
    DIFI wanted a hearing feedback on their pre-report: Service Oriented Architecture in Public sector - possible SOA standards
    DIFI responsiblle: Endre Grøtnes
    The 5 EPR-forum contribution inputs can be read here:
    • David Webber, posted 22.02.2010 19:10 - Possible SOA standards in Public sector
    • Hans A. Kielland Aanesen, posted 22.02.2010 21:56 - A real and open SOA Super structure is a must being able to enable interaction and integration between governmental ICT sytems ( hybrid system arrcitecture)
    • Hans A. Kielland Aanesen, posted 23.02.2010 08:46 - A SOA functional modeling standard for electronic environmental network devices (functional mirroring technology)
    • Hans A. Kielland Aanesen, postet 24.02.2010 00:42 - The SOA Super structure's Real time model driven architecture

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