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BI Seminar WS1: Ledelsesparadigme i Kommunal Helsetjeneste
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NIEM and Oracle
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Webinar: eGov as a common superstructure platform

Date: 2012-01-05

Public change of thinking with the goal: "eGov as a common superstructure Platform" ! ( Webinar at the university BI Business School of Management at Nydalen the 26th Jan. 2012 )

EPR-forum in co-operation with OASIS , The Norwegian Computer Society and BI.

The Norwegian Computer Society topic group "Health and ICT" has got two international specialist speakers to talk about the eGov 2.0 paradigm.

John Borras ( OASIS ) cover international specialist areas in - eGovernment, Interoperability Framework, Open standards, eVoting, Transformational Government.

David Webber ( OASIS ) is known internationalsjonally by his competence in open SOA based standards, XML-modelling and Templating in citizen centric applications in US eGov, UK eGov etc.

The change of thinking: The Citizens have to be active stakeholders/owners of our common Society and not passive Clients !

The new internationally Interaction and Interoperability paradigm in Public Service Management going on these days is named eGov 2.0. This handle the interaction between Service Receiver and his/her social network, The Public service system, Private service executers and Charity and Voluntary service organizations.

Webinar registration here: Common prinsiples and wholistic thinking in electronic Government... ( www.dataforeningen.no )

CEO EPR-forum: Hans A. Kielland Aanesen ( LinkedIn )

Relaterte linker:

OASIS eGov Member Section: ( eGov 2.0)
- OASIS eGov: http://www.oasis-egov.org/.
- OASIS TGF: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=tgf

BPMN og NIEM modellering:
- BPMN: (Business Process Model & Notation ) http://www.bpmn.org/ som er basert på en standard fra Object Management Group http://www.omg.org/.
- NIEM: (National Informational Exchange Model ) http://www.niem.gov.
- Oracle(Sun): http://www.slideshare.net/drrwebber/niem-and-oracle-overview-october-2011
- IBM: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-NIEM1

- OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org
- OASIS CAM TC: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=cam
- Oracle: (Automated Buildings): http://automatedbuildings.com/news/jan12/articles/oracle/111229104004oracle.html

- Mulighetenes Eldreomsorg: http://www.omsorgsteknologi.no

Source: OASIS eGov MS

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