EPR a Social Entrepreneurship
EPR partners
EPR executive team
EPR-eDevice (IoT)


BI Seminars: eHealth SINT 2013-2017
BI Seminar WS1: Ledelsesparadigme i Kommunal Helsetjeneste
Our Contribution to the IEEE Digital Ecology Conference 2013 24-26th July
OASIS has now approved Transformational Government Framework (TGF) as a new OASIS standard
CAM editor tool an EU Joinup project
OASIS Applauds European Union’s Reform Embracing Broader Cooperation with Open Standards Consortia
New EPR-forum webpage with focus on -Services in Your hand-
Blogg input to the Norwegian Minister of Health
Webinar: eGov as a common superstructure platform
EPR-forum contribution to public hearing on 'Healthcare Innovation'
NIEM and Oracle
Oracle now part of the OASIS CAM templating work !



Bridging Information Systems in Real Time Applications
Advancing an overall framework for using IT to improve the delivery of Public and Private SERVICES
Fig: EPR-forum relations
The abbreviation EPR means Electronic Processes & Routines.
EPR-forum is registered as a Non-Profit Organizations in Norway at Brønnøysundregistrene with an international approach.
EPR-forum has the intention to develop and promote open standards and common Superstructure service portal software engines and Template registers based on the EPR-eFolder and EPR-eDevice standards. EPR-forum is a non-profit membership organization that has four purposes:
  1. Bridging Competence between Standard Norway, OASIS, CEA (ANSI), W3C, OMG, or other potential standardization organizations
  2. Organize and Manage EPR-forum basic methodology and mechanisms in eprArena along with quality assurance
  3. Promote and Support the Service Areas based on the EPR-forum Super structure Template engine principals.
  4. Certification of Templates and Routines in common Registers along with semantic defenitons in common Dictionaries

All activities being certified can be reused in new applications according to EPR-forum's IPR and policies

The EPR-forum is fostering development of an open source public interest services solution which give every citizen, enterprise and administration full opportunity to gain from the e-Society, bridging the digital divide and providing netcentric solutions for all.

This includes main Service Areas (eprArenas) as:
  • e-Government
  • e-Healthcare
  • e-Construction
  • e-Inclusion
  • e-Tracing
  • e-Business Services for SMEs
  • Trust and Security Services
  • Citizen Collaboration Portals
EPR-forum organization:
EPR-Forum has given input to four international prosjects:

EPR-forum will develop the concept : "Together with Quality" as a common vision in all new application areas.

The general functional eFolder and eDevice standard will be audited and presented as a common and open Super Structure interaction standard. The standard is based on international and "real" open SOA standards.
Reusable Components(rule based templates) will be specified through open semantic dictionaries and template engines will be built upon open source code. For some user areas it will also be developed open applications that can be used to connect frameworks. With open, we mean that they will be made available for all approved parties. With approved we mean that the part has committed to respect and follow the traffic rules.
EPR-forum is an open standard organization that promotes the use of open standards in general and specially the EPR-eFolder and EPR-eDevice concepts. EPR-forum will cooperate with OASIS. OASIS is the leading international standardization organization in this area. OASIS produces open standards and industrial standards.
EPR-forum will secure that PSQA philosophy with the EPR-eFolder and EPR-device standards remains as open standards. Therefore all relevant documents will be marked with this text:

Copyright © EPR-forum, an Open Standard Organization. All Rights Reserved

Both commersial Enterprices, Organizations and individuals can be members of EPR-forum.